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No-Show, Late, Confirmation and Cancellation Policy


“No Show” shall mean any patient who fails to arrive for a scheduled appointment.

“Confirmation” shall mean any patient who fails to confirm by responding to our call, text or email after 3 pm the

day before their scheduled appointment.

“Cancellation Cut Off” shall mean any patient who cancels an appointment after 3 pm the day before their

scheduled appointment.

“Late Arrival” shall mean any patient who arrives at the clinic 10 minutes after the expected arrival time for the

scheduled appointment.


It is the policy of the practice to monitor and manage appointment no-shows and late cancellations. Vision Source Family Eye Care’s goal is to provide excellent care to each patient in a timely manner. It is required for patients to confirm an appointment by call, text or leaving a message no later than 3 pm on the business day before their appointment time. The same applies if cancellation is necessary. Notification allows the practice to better utilize appointments for other patients in need of prompt optical care.


I. A patient is notified of the appointment “No-Show, Late, & Cancellation Policy” at the time of scheduling. This policy can and will be provided in writing to patients at their request.

II. Scheduled patients:

a. Appointment confirmation must be received no later than 3 pm on the business day prior to your scheduled appointment. Our confirmation system sends text messages, calls or emails based on your preference, a minimum of 3 times before appointment day arrives. If a response is not received, your appointed time may be offered to those on our waiting list.

b. Appointment must be cancelled no later than 3 pm on the business day prior to the scheduled appointment time.

c. In the event a patient arrives late as defined by “late arrival” to their appointment, and cannot be seen by the provider on the same day, they will be rescheduled for a future clinic visit, if available.

c. In the event a patient has incurred three (3) documented “no-shows” and/or “same-day

cancellations,” the patient may be subject to dismissal from Vision Source Family Eye Care.

April 2023